Task Based Language Teaching (TLBT)  


Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT) plays a major role in current language pedagogy. However, its emergence and implementation has also been accompanied by a high degree of empirism and by multiple interpretations of what TBLT refers to. This course aims at familiarizing participants with this complexity as well as at making them aware of the theoretical foundations of this approach.
By involving teachers in learning tasks and promoting constant reflection on their teaching practice, the course develops teachers’ awareness of TBLT principles and encourages them not only to comprehend and exploit this new methodology but also to assess its practical application in their specific teaching context.
Being up-dated in the latest trends in language teaching is a “must” for all language professionals. Nevertheless, adopting new approaches without knowing their principles and theoretical foundations is to submit to “seductive persuasion and to be prey to little but fashion and a blind commitment to change.” (Peter Skehan).






Actualización en lingüística aplicada a distancia para profesores de lenguas
CELE - UNAM. Todos los derechos reservados UNAM 2003